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[南北極航海行: 海象篇] 瀕臨絕種的北極海象親眼目擊!!❤ 去年我航行去北極時,也在Svalbard島看到了一群海象喔!!海象生長在北極海沿岸,有厚厚的棕紅色外皮,滿臉鬍鬚,和長長的象牙。體型巨大,有四百公斤到一兩公噸這麼大喔!!海象可活三四十歲,平常就是躺在岸邊曬太陽,不然就在水裡玩耍吃飯。他們戰鬥起來也是很恐怖的,連兇猛如北極熊都不敢動他們,幾乎沒有天敵。💪💪💪 但是....海象卻曾是瀕臨絕種的動物,現在則是保育類。為什麼呢?因為人類!!人類長年捕殺海象取用油脂,肉,還有最重要的象牙!!海象跟大象一樣都有長達一公尺的雪白象牙,被許多人視為珍寶,瘋狂補殺到現在已經有許多族群都已消失了。😭😭😭 第一次親眼看到海象,跟海象這麼接近。當他們游向我們的小艇時,我心中好驚恐又好興奮。而在那個瞬間,我們的小艇居然還故障!真是嚇傻我了!還好後來另外一條小艇來救我並離開,才沒有再繼續侵犯了他們的生活空間。 看著影片中海裡游著的海象媽媽和兩隻海象寶寶,心裡祈禱他們可以從此快樂的活下去,不要再被人類無謂的捕殺了。❤❤❤ #海象 #星期一南北極航海行 -- [Arctic Sailing Expedition: Walrus] Endangered Walrus in the Arctics sighting!!!!❤ Last year while I was sailing in the Arctics, I saw this colony of walrus in Svalbard Island!! Walrus lives in the Arctic shores. It has thick brown skin, lots of whiskers, and long tusk/ivory. It is very huge, about 400 kg to 1.5 ton!! Walrus can live up to 40 years old, and they usually just sunbath or play and feed in the shallow water. They can fight quite fiercely, even the polar bears are scared of them. They have almost no natural predators.💪💪💪 But.... they are endangered animals, and are now protected. Why? It's all because of humans!!! Humans have been hunting walrus for centuries, for its blubber, meat and most importantly, the ivory!! Just like elephants, walrus has long ivory that can be 1 meter long. Many people see it as treasures and they have been hunted until now that many colonies have disappeared.😭😭😭 This was my first time seeing walrus, and being so close to them. When they swam to our dingy, I was scared and excited at the same time. And when our dingy suddenly broke down right at that moment... I was more scared than excited!! Thank god another dingy came to our rescue and we left without further disturbing them. Seeing the walrus mom with her two kids in the water as shown in the video, I prayed in my heart for their safety and a happily ever after life. I wish unnecessary walrus hunting by humans can stop one day.❤❤❤ #PolarSailingMonday #Walrus

[南北極航海行: 海象篇] 瀕臨絕種的北極海象親眼目擊!!❤ 去年我航行去北極時,也在Svalb...